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Writer's picturebdlodge171

February 2023

Updated: Feb 27, 2023


1st Thursday (Stated)

3rd Thursday (Called)

***Dinner at 6:30 pm***

***Meeting starts at 7:30 pm***

Jacket and Tie

4093 NW 4th Ave.

Boca Raton, FL 33431

(561) 501-0545


Mailing Address

Boca Delray Lodge 171

PO BOX 811113

Boca Raton FL 33481-1113


Lodge Officers

Worshipful Master: Alexandre Ferrari 954-934-7996

Senior Warden: Rafael Nioac de Salles 561-929-6499

Junior Warden: Nick Richard 561-699-5583

Secretary: R∴W∴ Michael P. Sinatra 561-613-8094

Musician: Scott Kaapke 561-504-8535

Treasurer: W∴ Anthony Denton 561-322-8492

Chaplain: W∴ Howard Zimmerman 561-512-5143

Marshal: Paul Goldstein 561-271-6138

Senior Deacon: Paul Jacob 561-609-9504

Junior Deacon: Jesse Mercado 954-422-3999

Senior Steward: Eric Figueroa 917-544-8879

Junior Steward: Patrick Quirk 561-507-3727

Tyler: Giuseppe Garufi 954-682-2584

Most Worshipful Grand Master

M∴W∴G∴M∴ Robert Lambert

District Deputy Grand Master

R∴W∴ Allan D. Mason - 561-715-7173

District Instructor

R∴H∴ Salvatore Musumeci - 954-871-6018

Lodge Secretary

R∴W∴ Michael P. Sinatra - 561-613-8094


Lodge Committees

Finance: Chairman: S.W. Rafael Nioac de Salles

Members; R∴W∴ Michael Sinatra, R∴W∴ Rex Bradford, R∴ H∴ Sal Musumeci,

W∴ Demetrios Kirkiles, W∴ Anthony Denton, Brother Shelly Pittleman

Property / Rental: Chairman: S.S. Eric Figueroa

Members; R∴W∴ Rex Bradford, W∴ Anthony Denton, J.W. Nick Richard, J.D. Paul Jacob

Public Relations / Social Media Communications: Chairman: W∴ M∴ Alexandre Ferrari

Members; S.W. Rafael Nioac de Salles, Benjamin Cohen, J.S. Patrick Quirk, W∴ Howard Zimmerman

Board of Relief: Chairman: W∴ M∴ Alexandre Ferrari

Members; J.W. Nick Richard, S.W. Rafael Nioac de Salles

Charity: Chairman: S.W. Rafael Salles

Members; Tyler, Giuseppe Garufi, S.D Paul Jacob

Visitor Examination: Chairman: S.D. Paul Jacob

Members: Chaplain W∴ Howard Zimmerman, J.D. Jesse Mercado,

Vigilance: Chairman: J.W. Nick Richards

Members; R∴W∴ Michael Sinatra, R∴W∴ Rex Bradford

Petitions / Investigations: Chairman: W∴ Mark Angstrom

Members; J.D. Jesse Mercado, J.W. Nick Richard, J.S. Patrick Quirk, R∴H∴ Sal Musumeci, Errol Lamberson

Degree Ritual and Education: Chairman: R∴H∴ Sal Musumeci (CZAR)

Members; Benjamin Cohen, J.D. Jesse Mercado, S.D. Paul Jacob, J.W. Nick Richards Mentors: W∴ Mark Angstrom, W∴ Jay Obeid

Funeral Committee: Chairman: R∴W∴ Rex Bradford

Members; S.D. Paul Jacob J.D. Jesse Mercado, S.W. Rafael Nioac de Salles


From the East


Our 1st meeting was great ,thanks for all that attended, I was very honored to present the 40 year certificate and pin to Brother Martin Louis Rudnick.

Congratulations to Brothers Benjamin Cohen and Joseph Pellicane for passing their fellowcraft proficiency and being raised to the sublime degree of master mason.

I appreciate all the brothers that participate in our master mason degree with a special thanks to R:.W:. George Winterling, R:.W:. Robert Estell, R:.W:. Rex Bradford, W:. Justin Bowser and R:. H:. Salvatore Musumeci to put this degree team together.

The D.I. R:. H:. Salvatore Musumeci is in charge of the master mason degree (1st part) competition and your help is appreciated, practice is every Saturday at Harmonia lodge, even if you're not part of this competition it is a great opportunity to learn.

We will be going over the number at our next meeting to approve the 2023 budget.

I would like to request every brother if you can, bring nonperishable foods to be donated to Boca Helping Hands.

Boca Delray Lodge is using Cash App to receive payments.

Try it using the code 8WGVHFS. The lodge will get $15, and you’ll get $5.

You can use this app to pay your dues, there is no fee for you or the lodge.

Let's promote our collation room. We use Giggster for renters unable to get liability insurance. If renters can provide insurance, please contact me directly. Also, the price is negotiable.

Please take a minute to review our Lodge Google.

Check our linktree with the important links about our lodge and Freemasonry.

Please see me if you want to add or make any suggestions.


W∴ M∴ Alexandre Ferrari

Boca-Delray No 171



From the West

My beloved Brethren:

I want to thank R∴ W∴ Bradford, R∴H∴ Musumeci, and W∴Angstron for the beautiful installation. I am honored to serve our Lodge as the Senior Warden for 2023.

As the chair of the Finance Committee, I want to share that we are having meetings to discuss our finances. We are discussing the possibility of creating an endowment fund to separate our investment money from our operation. Also, we are evaluating conservative and low-risk options to invest our money. We will bring this discussion to our meetings at an appropriate time.

A bit of Masonic education, I encourage my Brothers to read or re-read our Masonic Etiquette (click here GL208). As an example, R∴ H∴ Musumeci discussed in the last meeting the proper way to address the W∴ M∴. According to the Masonic Etiquette:

"Addressing the Chair: The rules of order in Freemasonry do not permit side discussions, during a Communication, among members. The member who has anything to say to the Lodge, whether it be to enter a discussion or to make or second a motion, must rise to his feet, wait to be recognized by and then address the Worshipful Master."

Let's keep our Fraternity strong and increase our communication among Brothers. If you want to help or need anything, reach out! Let's meet outside the Lodge. We are Brothers!

I wish you all a fabulous February and hope to see you all in Lodge.


S.W. Rafael Nioac de Salles

Boca-Delray No 171



From the South

Greetings from the South Brethren!

I hope all of you had a safe and happy new year. I would like to thank everyone who has helped the kitchen during our installation. It was a great night and I was happy to have the help and support of my brothers.

The street clean up is an important charity that our lodge participates in. Not only is it a great way to earn a few dollars for the lodge, but it allows the community to see what masonry is about. Since our last meeting, we have acquired both vests and trash pickers so that our lodge can get back to doing what we do best, being charitable to our community. We will be heading out Sunday, February 26th(8am at the lodge or 8:30am at sugar sand park, same time as always) and I am excited to see you brothers there.

Our last meeting had a great turn out with over 40 brothers and guests coming out to our dinner. Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions to help with the meals. We will continue to do our best to have something for everyone. I'm excited to see you all very soon!


J.W. Nick Richard

Boca-Delray No 171



From the Secretary

Fraternal Greeting Brethren, now that all Hanukkah and Christmas ornaments and lights have been packed away, we focus on new interesting and exciting things. Starting with our lodge grounds and building improvements. W:. Ferrari formed a committee to work with architects and builders where the Lodges suggestions and comments will be reviewed and implemented if feasible. At present the funds received from the sale of the parking lot are in a secure account pending long term safe investments.

Our W:. M:. also wishes to amend our By-laws which he will discuss in lodge shortly. Our last By-law revision was during W:.Kirliles’ year in 2018; we are certain due for modifications and amendments to our By-laws.

I am sorry to have to inform you of the Passing of Brother John Clarke Jr who passed to the Celestial Lodge Above on Friday January 6 ,2023. Unfortunately, due to health issues Brother Clarke could not attend lodge for the past several years. Brother Clarke was a long-term member of our lodge and Freemasonry and a Perpetual Member. Sadly, he was two and a half months short of being a 50-year member. Because of his dedication to the Craft and his willingness to always participate where needed, he was honored many years ago as our First and only Honorary Past Master. Brother Clarke was also active in Scottish Rite at the Valley of Lake Worth and Coronated with the 33°. Brother Clarke retired from the Boca Raton Fire Department as a Chief and served on diesel submarines during his Navy enlistment. Brethren, Brother Clarke will be certainly missed.

Brethren, please continue to remit your 2023 dues. If you would like to receive an email invoice and pay that way, please inform me and an email invoice will be sent to you. You may also like to consider Perpetual Membership, if so let me know and I can discuss it with you or get you the forms. Grand Lodge offers payment plans as well.


R:.W:. Sinatra


Boca-Delray No 171


From the Secretary – a word of caution when receiving emails

Unfortunately, we live amongst criminals, not just within our immediate surroundings but worldwide. With the Internet’s ability to let us shop, research the globes libraries and enjoy old movie amongst thousand of other venues, it also gives up our email address to legitimate and not so legitimate organizations and individual.

I am fortunate that the company I work for offers us training on spotting fraudulent email, emails that are usually trying to get you to remit funds, funds that you will loose and never retrieve.

There are technical terms for the various fraudulent email being sent, one such name is

“PHISING”, a take on Fishing where one puts out a bait and wait for a taker. Below is a recent Phishing email I received. If you notice it is from our W:.M:. Ferrari. Lets examine it and I will show you what gives this email away as a dangerous one to reply to:

1) W:. Ferrari does not have this email address (be careful because some scammers will create an email address starting with a legitimate name such as They will use different spelling of service for example or just add words to FedEx which we are all familiar with)

2) No one calls me Michael but my deceased Mother and Father

3) An urgency, this is always present, they want you to move and act before thinking. I receive such emails from the CEO of my company. Who wouldn’t respond quicky to the boss!

4 We don’t refer to lodges as F&A.M Lodge No.171. There could be thirty lodge 171 in the County. Every state with more than 172 lodges will have a 171. We refer to our lodge as Boca Delray Lodge No. 171

5) I am the Secretary of the lodge and would be aware of a Save the Children drive. But if any other Brother received this email, he should have spotted the many give-away tell tail signs that this is a scam way ahead of this line.

6) I am liable for reimbursement; we don’t normally use such grammar in the US. We may say, I’ll reimburse you. Always look for improper grammar and usage of words. Such as in the first line, I am quite unavailable now (we would not say quite). I ‘ve got credence in you to take care of this assignment (giving me praise, and obeying the W:.M:.’s order)

7) The Gift Cards, always the gift cards or cash transfer.

So, Brethren, scrutinize such emails and never ever, I repeat never ever open an attachment. They can gain access to your PC and Hard drive. Just delete the email and then go to your trash file and delete it there to so it is not on your PC. Some say that all deleted files are still somewhere in your PC, maybe, but if it’s not immediately accessible to you it basically gone. E

Email that you may receive may not have so may tell tale signs as this one, in fact there are so many tell tail sign on it that I would think it was used for teaching Phishing. I hope this short tutorial save you a lot of aggravation Remember; it may not be a financial loss but an identity loss.


R:.W:. Sinatra

Alexandre Ferrari 1:30 PM (11minutes ago)

to me

Hello Michael,

Are you available to assist? I am quite unavailable now and I've got credence in you to take care of this assignment.

The  F & A.M Lodge No. 171 needs some gift cards for donation to Save The Children.

I am liable for reimbursement. More info needed?


Alexandre Ferrari

Worshipful Master

F & A.M Lodge No. 171

Yes, I can help.

Yes, I am available.

Sorry, I am not available.

Reply Forward


District 25 Lodges

2nd & 4th Thursdays

2701 Quantum Blvd, Boynton Beach 6:30/7:30 pm

2nd & 4th Mondays

421 Jennings Ave., Greenacres 6:30/7:30 pm

1st & 3rd Tuesdays

9463 Roan LN., Palm Beach Gardens 6:30/7:30 pm

1st & 3rd Wednesdays

421 Jennings Ave., Greenacres 6:30/7:30 pm

2nd & 4th Mondays

1896 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd, West Palm Beach 6:30/7:30 pm

2nd & 4th Mondays

600 S. Loxahatchee Dr., Jupiter 6:30/7:30 pm

2nd & 4th Tuesdays

845 Bradley St., West Palm Beach 6:30/7:30 pm

1st & 3rd Thursdays

845 Bradley St., West Palm Beach 6:30/7:30 pm


Masonic Advancements

Awaiting Entered Apprentice Degree:

Peter Curcio, Samson Delice, Hugo Neil Mendez, Jake Mulcahey

Entered Apprentices Awaiting Proficiency Examination:

Brothers; Laz Pena, Arken Radeef, Anthony Barone, Thomas Coate, Chris Hamdar, Nicolai Luther, Steven Palsen, Richard J. Ridky

Awaiting Fellow Craft Degree:

Brothers; Paul Imbrone.

Fellow Craft Awaiting Proficiency Examination:

Brother Paul Gold, Ricky Mark.

Awaiting Master Mason Degree:

Master Mason Awaiting Proficiency Examination:

Brothers; James Billingsley, Leo Netto, Jeff Cirminiello, Samuel Henry, Geoffrey Thiessen, Benjamin Cohen, Joseph Pellicane

Bible/Apron/WK Tools:

Patrick Quirk, Shawn Demetrious, Dominic Guardino.





E.A. Transfer:

F.C. Transfer:

M.M. Transfers: Jeffrey Weber, Sam Berger



From the District Instructor

My Brothers,

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and wish you and your families a happy a healthy 2023. We are in a fortunate position as a Lodge to be growing in numbers and enthusiasm, and that is because of the hard work that all of you do. I thank you for that hard work and for challenging us all to do better in 2023. We have a Master Mason Degree scheduled for Saturday, January 28, 2023, that I hope you can attend and invite you to become part of our exceptional Degree team in the future. We will most likely have a Fellow Craft Degree in February and an Entered Apprentice Degree in March. I hope that you will not only attend these events in support of our Brothers but be more involved in Initiating, Passing, and Raising the Brothers of our Lodge.

Again thank you for the work you have done to make Boca Delray Lodge a leader in not only our District but the entire state of Florida.

Fraternally & Sincerely,

R:.H:. Sal Musumeci, DI

Upcoming District 25

Master Mason Degree teams

(part 1)

My Brothers,

The statewide Degree competition for this year will be held for Master Mason Degree (part 1). Our goal is to have multiple teams competing from the 25th Masonic District. These teams can be from each Lodge, or we can have multiple Lodges getting together to form one team. If you are not totally proficient in this Degree, please do not be worried. We will have multiple practices at different Lodges around the District to get everyone up to speed. At these practices, we will be having in-depth instruction on all the ritual and esoteric work in part 1 of Master Mason Degree as mandated by the Committee on Work. Any Master Mason in good standing is eligible to participate, and it will provide you an enhanced knowledge of the ritual and floorwork of Master Mason Degree as well as an increase in comradery with the Brothers of our District. Please reach out to me if you have any interest in joining the Degree teams and representing the 25th Masonic District.

Strength in Numbers

Power in Education

My Brothers,

In order to improve your Masonic knowledge, try taking Master Mason 1 2 3 exams On the Grand Lodge website. It’s an excellent method to learn to use the Masonic Digest and Mentors Manual. Just complete the three Master Mason Examinations, offered by the Grand Lodge. These examinations have proven very popular as they produce more

friendships, more knowledge of Florida masonry, better-informed Brothers, and an increase in Lodge attendance.

Also, they are MANDATORY for anyone sitting in the chair of Worshipful Master, Senior

Warden or Junior Warden.

Follow the instructions below:

2. Click on “Education”

3. Take Exams 1, 2 & 3

My Brothers,

I would like to invite you all to Open Books and Schools of Instruction this and every Saturday. Please join us for the education, brotherhood, and a gourmet breakfast!!!!

Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts are welcome with a RSVP from their Worshipful Master to me.

When: Every Saturday School of Instruction Open Books Every third Saturday

Time: 9:00 am – noon

Where: Harmonia Lodge: 1896 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd.

Suite 200 West Palm Beach, FL 33409

Fraternally & Sincerely,

R:.H:. Sal Musumeci, DI

(954) 871-6018


Upcoming Events and News


Benefits for Boca Delray Lodge Members

We’re excited to offer your Working Advantage Discount Program, your one-stop shop for exclusive and convenient savings on the products, services, and experiences you know and love. It’s cost-free and easy to enroll. Just visit and use the company code BOCADELRAYLODGEFUN to begin receiving discounts on:



February Birthdays

Azzam Rustom

Peter Snyder

Bill Smith Jr

Anthony Denton

Jesse Mercado

John Kaye

Matthew Rogerson

Leonardo Netto

Gerald Barton

Victor Weinberg

Gerard Carras

Charles-Johan Lund

Nicholas Richard

Charlemagne Louis-Charles




Masonic Regalia and Jewelry Wholesale Prices

Boca Delray Lodge is an Affiliate and the lodge will get 15% from all order place at the site, if you want to help the lodge, please use the link below.


Past Masters Boca Delray Lodge No 171

2022 - Anthony W. Denton

2021 - Anthony W. Denton

2020 - Harold W Ewing II

2019 - Salvatore Musumeci

2018 - Demetrios Kirkiles

2017 - Mark Angstrom

2016 - John Blalock

2015 - Scott Durgee

2014 - Rex Bradford

2013 - David G. Lund

2012 - Jay Obeid

2011 - John Ager

2010 - George Hervey *

2009 - Mike Sinatra

2008 - Robert Langford *

2007 - John Kemp

2006 - David M Haycock

2005 - David Lerner *

2004 - Christopher G. Gilbert

2003 - Brant C. Bayer

2002 - Mark Silberman

2001 - Steve A. Sagal *

2000 - Arthur Dubin

1999 - A. Ray Stewart *

1998 - David A. Allen

1997 - Israel Stavis *

* Deceased



  1. Modes of recognition

  2. Division of symbolic Masonry into three degrees

  3. Legend of the 3rd degree

  4. Government of the fraternity by a Grand Master

  5. Prerogative of the Grand Master to preside over every assembly of the Craft

  6. Prerogative of the Grand Master to grant dispensations for conferring the degrees at irregular times

  7. Prerogative of the Grand Master to give dispensations for opening and holding Lodges

  8. Prerogative of the Grand Master to make Masons at sight

  9. Necessity for Masons to congregate in Lodges

  10. Government of lodges by a Master and 2 Wardens

  11. Necessity of tiling lodges

  12. Right of every Mason to be represented in all general meetings of the Craft and instruct representatives

  13. Right of every Mason to appeal from his Lodge to the Grand Lodge or General Assembly of Masons

  14. Right of every Mason to visit and sit in every regular Lodge

  15. No unknown visitor can enter a Lodge without first passing an examination

  16. No Lodge can interfere in the business of another Lodge or give degrees to brethren of other Lodges

  17. Every Freemason is amenable to the laws and regulations of the Masonic jurisdiction in which he resides, even though he may not be a member of any Lodge

  18. Candidates for initiation must be men, unmutilated (not a cripple), free born, and of mature age

  19. Belief in the existence of God as the Great Architect of the universe

  20. Belief in a resurrection to a future life

  21. A "Book of the Law" is indispensable in every Lodge

  22. Equality of all Masons

  23. Secrecy of the institution

  24. Foundation of a speculative science upon an operative art, and symbolic use and explanations for the purpose of religious or moral teaching

  25. These landmarks can never be changed


The Grand Lodge of Florida developed this comprehensive course of study to instruct Brothers on the proper procedures and responsibilities of each Lodge Officer, and how to conduct the important business of their particular Lodge. Courses are presented by the District Chairman, and a certificate is issued upon successful completion of all 15


The Grand Lodge of Florida provides Master Mason Examinations to be open book type exams designed to give any Master Mason the opportunity to increase his knowledge of some of the Ancient Tenets, Rules, and Regulations of Masonry. They contain a mixture of multiple choice, True or False, or essay questions which should be answered on the answer sheet, as provided in the exam downloads.

The Grand Lodge of Florida encourages all members of the Craft to further their knowledge of Lodge operation, especially those concerning the Elected and Appointed

Officers of each particular Lodge. The Lodge Officers Training program was designed to educate and test your knowledge of Lodge procedures, business, penal code, and other areas. Let There Be Light


Appendant Bodies



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