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W∴M∴ Charity

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Boca Helping Hands online donation

Message from the East:

My Brothers, the unemployment rate is very high and millions report that their households are struggling to put food on the table. With all the jobs lost and business shut down due to the pandemic, the world needs Masonry more than ever.


Boca-Delray Lodge #171 has joined with Boca Helping Hands and I’m proud to announce that we will be holding a year-long food drive to collect nonperishable foods to help Boca Helping Hands in their endeavor to help feed millions of families who are struggling. We have also set up a link for Brothers who wish to donate cash instead of food, and we will be getting updates for us to send Brothers down Boca Helping Hands to help in whatever needs they may have, from handing out food to cleaning to packing bags of food for distribution.


We will be annoying those dates for volunteers very soon. Please, Brothers, bring any donations down to the Lodge on our scheduled meeting nights or contact any Lodge officer and we will assist in making sure someone can meet and receive the food you would like to donate.


  • Cereal and Cereal Bars

  • Juice (powder drinks)

  • Tomato sauces (any)

  • Canned fruits & vegetables

  • Canned meat, fish, and poultry

  • Pasta, beans, rice, and soup

  • Milk – can or the box (dry/liquid)

  • Crackers / Cookies

1) For each donation PayPal charges a fee of 2.9% + $0.10.


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